Current Exhibition

Transformation & Adaptation features the works of artists Carol Demers and Anthea Cameron and is a captivating showcase presenting a blend of nature-inspired artworks that reflect the profound connections both artists share with the environment.

Current Exhibition

Where: Municipal Hall, 750 17th Street, West Vancouver

About the exhibition

Colours possess a profound ability to communicate with our souls, transcending language and tapping into primal responses deeply ingrained within us. Whether it's a single hue or a symphony of shades, colours have the power to unlock memories, evoke emotions, and envelop us in a sense of joy, comfort, and connection. 

The work of West Vancouver artist Sue Bayley embodies inspiration, hope, and the resilience to find beauty amidst darkness and offers a moment of respite and tranquility for the soul. Sue’s work delves into the intangible aspects of nature, capturing fleeting moments and enduring beauty through complex, expressive brushwork that echoes organic forms and colours.